Peripheral Allocation
- CAN0: Expansion
- PA22 (TX), PA23 (RX)
- PA22 (TX), PA23 (RX)
- SERCOM0: I2C, front panel/rear IO (through mux)
- PA8 (SDA, PAD0), PA9 (SCL, PAD1)
- SERCOM2: I²C, analog board
- PA12 (SDA, PAD0), PA13 (SCL, PAD1)
- SERCOM3: SPI, analog board
- PA16 (SCK, PAD1), PA17 (MOSI, PAD0), PA18 (MISO, PAD2)
- Chip select: PA19 (/EN)
- Chip index: PB16, PB17
- SERCOM4: SPI, front panel display
- DIPO = 0x0
- DOPO = 0x2
- PB12 (MISO, PAD0), PB13 (SCK, PAD1), PB14 (/CS, PAD2), PB15 (MOSI, PAD3)
- SERCOM5: SPI, NOR flash (bonus data)
- DIPO = 0x3
- DOPO = 0x0
- PB2 (MOSI, PAD0), PB3 (SCK, PAD1), PB0 (/CS, PAD2), PB1 (MISO, PAD3)
- TC1: Fan PWM
- PA07: WO[1]
- TC5: Beeper
- PB10: WO[0]
- EIC: External interrupt controller
- XOSC1: 12MHz oscillator
- XIN (PB22), XOUT (PB23)
- Debug
- SWCLK (PA30), SWDIO (PA31), SWO (PB30)
If desired, the driver communication interface can use CAN0 instead. It uses the same IO pins as the I²C bus, and requires a CAN transceiver on the board.