Hardware Errata
This page lists some issues with the hardwarehardware.
Rev 1:2
- Holes for current sense resistors should be slightly larger
- Datasheet specifies 1.5mm ±0.12mm
- Increase spacing between heatsink and MOSFET/resistor slightly
- Right now, the legs need to be bent at a bit of an angle, which makes fitting everything a huge pain in the ass
- Zero offset resistor (R307, ???) is too large
- 4M7 is too large and doesn’t let us trim out the entire DC offset (~4.5mV)
- 1M was also too large (~3.5mV)
- 200k works (able to trim to ~1µV remaining offset)
- This is probably too low, maybe something like 330k or 500k is better
- The trimming range is quite small
Rev 1
- MOSFET gate drive voltage too low
- VGs, with the current configuration can only drive to max +3V3. This is not sufficient to turn on the MOSFETs selected (IXTH80N075L2) with a VGs(th) of 4.5V max
- May be salvageable by rework (op-amp powered from 5V instead) and selecting a different MOSFET
- Future work
- Select a MOSFET driver opamp that can be powered from ±12V
- Update power section to generate isolated 12V (replace PS201 with PDSE1-S12-S12-S)
- Generate 5V locally (switching supply off 12V)
- I²C isolator (U203, ADuM1250) has the output SCL/SDA swapped
- The I²C bus is swapped for all devices downstream of the EEPROM